Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Halloa from my new computer

I know that my three loyal readers have been disappointed by Poesytron 575's writer's block of recent months.

Well, that scrappy little computer code isn't dead.  I've finally transferred the files over from my dying netbook to my brand-new Lappy 486, and took her for a test drive:

paludism halloaed
staidness brit quandary fern
puckery sawyer

That's my new lappy's first random haiku, and I think it makes a pretty good introduction.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Haiku for June 13th: Handful of Trying

Handful of trying,
to the, to the hands. Fog, the
barn, the cross table.

Usually when the word "the" appears in a haiku this many times, it doesn't make a lot of sense--particularly if Poesytron gets stuck in a loop like "to the to the."  (The Poesytron haiku that I tend not to share have a lot of jumbles of prepositions and thes without any nouns.  "The and of", "my with a the", etc.)  But I thought this one somehow came together.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Haiku for June 10th: Heaven Summer Garden

Pulled over, of viewing,
well, heaven.  Summer garden.
Spinning plastic round.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Haiku for June 8th: Two By Moon

I've got a particularly surreal haiku for you today:

Breakfast. Two by moon.
Lettuce. The song, the alone.
Night night’s, 
Tonight’s wine.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Haiku for June 6th: Waltz Wings

Waltz wings flying time
in me. Spring on for the sound,
surf sound, praying death.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Haiku for June 3rd: Every Haystack Morning

Family, the bent
at every haystack morning.
Dreams, dust, and no Great.

I add capitalization when I format Poesytron's haiku, but in this case, "Great" was already capitalized, and I left it that way.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Haiku for June 1st: Wintry Haiku in June

Trickles from in frost.
Tundra full. Crashed man woman--
old, her ebb tide dreams.

Branch falling, grow side.
Outside, frozen sleeting tracks.
Door open, windows.

Empty snowman in--
Ant, new, nothing. Sun to corpse.
An stairs, muggy the--

As always, some of them make more sense than others.  I particularly like the middle one.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Haiku for May 30th: Zig-Zag Afternoon

Zig-zag afternoon.
Heat yawns back from the, it a.
Too weightless ridges.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Haiku for May 27th: Strange Be Remembering

Frog's fountain jerk, the
of breathing river foam, the
strange be remembering.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Haiku for May 25th: Beirut Daughter

Beirut daughter names
me thankful. Gone in and thin
to leftovers of...


Monday, May 23, 2011

Haiku for May 23rd: Ice Hard Sharp

Slips sun, ice hard sharp.
Blunt thoughts slices sour thoughts-- is
gone.  Ice.  The flash pines.

This is one of those where the decisions I make on formatting can really change the reading of the haiku.  Is it "Slips sun, ice-hard sharp," or rather "Slips sun-ice, hard sharp"?

Some other formatting options could be:

Slips sun ice hard, sharp
blunt thoughts. Slices sour thoughts is--
Gone ice. The flash. Pines.

Or maybe:

Slips. Sun ice hard. Sharp.
Blunt. Thoughts slices sour. Thoughts is
gone. Ice the flash pines.

Poesytron has no "intention" when it creates.  In formatting its haiku for you, the reader, I am another author--or a translator, maybe, an intermediary force that shapes the poem and influences the meaning ascribed by your mind.

I am sure this intermediary step could also be automated, but I am in no way ready to tackle that computing challenge.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Haiku for May 20th: Lonely Loneliness

Lonely loneliness.
On white, the skin bowl, skin tip,
dark back. No plays. Young.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Haiku for May 18th: Attack the Fabric

The attack


Attack the fabric

Monday, May 16, 2011

Haiku for May 16th: Grooming Whiskers Sport

Minnows stones raked, the
haiku humble. She thus, no—
grooming whiskers sport.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Haiku for May 13th: Too Few Waves

 Halts rabbit, in just—
Turn.  Two few waves carving rock
The warming, breathing.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Haiku for May 11th: Guest With His Hat

          Guest with his hat.

Before putting writing glove

The — oh, motherless.